Information about the AST generated by the parser
Version 0.9.1
This document was generated on 2020/06/10.
In this section we present some information about the design principles of the AST, to facilitate understanding of the individual rules and how they fit together.
When designing the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) we have to take into account several factors, ranging from the limitations of parsing to the ease of use for whoever work with the AST. In some cases compromises are necessary or a choice is not always obvious. In this section we describe the choices we have made, the reasoning behind them and their consequences.
The purpose of the AST is to contain all the semantic information in the code (i.e., what the code means) and not the syntactic information (i.e., how the code was written). This means that some information is lost in the AST. And that is a good thing, because we do not need all the information written by the user.
For example, sometimes the language follows a certain structure because it is easier for people to write code that wau. Sometimes it is because the parser need to be able to distinguish between different elements.
Let's see what this means, in a few cases.
A common example of information that is needed to parse, but has no semantic value is parentheses. like '(' and ')'. They do not provide any information about what to do, but they separate different elements.
Let's see an example.
SELECT UPPER(LName) AS "Last Name"
In this example the parentheses around LName are needed because the parser and the user must understand what arguments are passed to the function UPPER.
However, we do not need parentheses to understand that "Last Name" refers to the AS (alias) clause. That is why the AST does not record information about parentheses, but only the semantic information that LName is an argument for the function UPPER.
Another example of these principles is that tokens are not shown directly in the AST. Sometimes their presence is replaced by flags (boolean) or implied by the structure of the AST. Sometimes they are transformed in enum. Let's see all the three cases.
To see an example of when tokens can be removed, imagine the following case.
For this input, we would create a node of type DropFunction, which will contain just the name of the function to drop. Something like this.
DropFunction(val function_name: ElementName)
We do not need to store in the AST the presence of the tokens DROP and FUNCTION, because they are implied by the creation of the node of type DropFunction. We already know that when we meet a node of type DropFunction we must drop the function with the name provided. For that objective, the tokens are useless. They were necessary for parsing, but we do not need them anymore.
To see an example of when tokens can be transformed in booleans, imagine the following case.
The rollback statement can contain the token WORK, but it did not have to. Sometimes there is one, sometimes there is not.
For instance, this statement would also be valid.
ROLLBACK FORCE '25.32.87';
However, it means something different because the token WORK is not there. Therefore, it is useful to know whether the token WORK it is present or not and we must record this information in the AST.
That is why the node of type RollbackStatement will contain a boolean to indicate whether the statement had the token WORK.
Let's go back to the same example, to see when tokens are removed but we keep their names to improve understanding.
In a generic rollback statement the force part of the statement is optional, it can be present also a savepoint part, like in this statement.
However, when the force part is present, the FORCE token is always there. They come in pair. So, the AST must record whether the rollback statement contain a force part or a savepoint part, but we do not need to know to record directly whether the FORCE token is present.
This information is not necessary because it is implied that there was a FORCE token whenever the AST says that the force part was present. That is why the node of type RollbackStatement has a field with name force.
val work: Boolean = false,
val savepoint: Boolean = false,
val savepoint_name: TableIdentifier? = null,
val force: StringLiteral? = null,
This field will record the value of the string, in this example, that value would be '25.32.87'. The field would use the name force, that is to say the name of the token, because it will be present only if the force part were present. This is easier to understand than just call the field "string" or "force_string".
Let's see an example of when tokens are replaced with enums.
These two lines represents both valid examples of the order by clause. The order by clause can contain ASC or DESC. It can also have neither of the two, but this fact is not relevant for this discussion. Since it can have only some well-defined values the best way to represent this information is an enum. This is why the OrderByClause node has a field of type enum that records whether ASC or DESC was present in the original code.
In this example the AST will have a field of type enum. However, if you access the AST in the JSON representation you will not see an enum. That is because JSON cannot easily represent enums, therefore they are serialized as strings. To get access to the enum field you will have to use the library. Alternatively you can safely build a custom deserializer to parse the JSON values in Enums in whatever language you are using.
There are two types of node that are used to indicate elements: ElementName and ElementId. In addition there is a container element called GeneralElement, that can contain many ElementId nodes.
The difference between the two is that ElementName is used only where names or variables can be used. For instance, to select columns in a SELECT statement or on the left of variable assignemnt. On the other hand, ElementId is used where expressions can be used. In practical terms, whenever there could be an argument (e.g., passing arguments to function call or array indexing) an ElementId will be used, otherwise there will be an ElementName.
You will notice that an object StringLiteral is used when sometimes you will expect to see a simple String. This happens for a couple of reasons.
We need to create a specific object called StringLiteral, because of the internals of the parser. In certain locations we need to allow the use only of nodes of type Expression. Since a default String is not of type Expression, we need to wrap the string with a object StringLiteral that is of type Expression.
In addition to that, sometimes a string are prepended with special format characters, like Q or N. We also need an object to record this information in the AST.
There is a class RoutineCall that is designed to hold functions and procedure calls. An element of that type is surely a routine call. However, you could also see function calls recorded as ElementId nodes in the AST, why that happens?
The issue is that the parser can surely determine that a name followed by parentheses is a routine call only in certain specific situations. For instance, it can understand that, when they are found in a place where only statements can be used.
For instance, this is a routine call.
PUT_LINE ( 'text' );
It is a complete statement, therefore it can only be a routine call, because array indexing is not a complete statement.
However, you can also find routine calls used where also an expression (and array indexing) could be used. In such cases the parser cannot know whether the element is a function call or an array.
PUT_LINE (element(1));
For instance, in this example element
could be a function or an array. It simply cannot be determined by looking at this piece of code. This kind of ambiguity can only be determined later, when we collect all variable and function declarations and then we see which one element
Let's start with seeing how we handle different type of values in the AST. To do that, we use a parse rule as an example.
: EXIT label_name=id_expression? (WHEN condition=expression)?
This rule represents an exit statement
By default, values that are optional are shown as nullable fields in the AST.
data class ExitStatement(
val label_name: PlSqlId? = null,
val condition: Expression? = null,
In this case label_name and condition are both optional, therefore they are all represented as nullable fields in the Kotlin library. In a JSON tree, if the field is null it will not be shown at all. For instance, you might see a node like this for an ExitStatement.
"type": "ExitStatement"
The behavior for list of elements is different.
: table_ref_aux join_clause* (pivot_clause | unpivot_clause)?
This rule represent a table reference inside FROM clause. In this case the rule can contain any number of join clauses, including zero.
data class TableRef(
val join_clause: List<JoinClause> = emptyList(),
The list would always be present, even when there are no join clauses. In that case would be empty and not null. This is because code to work with ASTs is naturally recursive, therefore it is easier to just execute some code in a loop for every element of a list of nodes. The worst case scenario is that if the list is empty, nothing will be executed, which is not an issue.
This is the general behavior, but it can change in some cases where a rule can contain multiple alternatives options. We are going to see such cases later.
In designing the AST structure we need to balance different factors: clear structure, performance and ease of use. This is particularly challenging when it comes to how to handle a node where multiple alternatives or common set of optional values can be present.
On one hand, giant classes with many fields can be difficult to handle, on the other hand, creating individual classes for each possibile alternative can be cumbersome to handle. In the first case you risk having to handle all possibilities in one class, in the second case you might have a lot of code duplication because each case must be handled separately. You need to strike a balance. This is the one we choose.
The first case happens when there are multiple exclusive alternatives that are unrelated to each other and present in other rules.
: physical_attributes_clause
| SIZE size_clause
| allocate_extent_clause
| deallocate_unused_clause
| cache_or_nocache
This rule shows the possible optional elements that can be present in an ALTER CLUSTER statement. There can be many of them, but they are all unrelated, because they can appear in many similar statements.
data class AlterClusterOption(
val physical_attributes_clause: PhysicalAttributesClause? = null,
val size_clause: SizeClause? = null,
val allocate_extent_clause: AllocateExtentClause? = null,
val deallocate_unused_clause: DeallocateUnusedClause? = null,
val cache_or_nocache: CacheOption? = null,
We use nullable fields to handle these rules. Nodes of this type wil have one field with a valid value and the other ones will be null. This is simple to handle with a switch statement (or any equivalent construct in other languages). And since these are rules that can be used elsewhere you can just hand the management of this rule directly to the function that handle that specific rule.
For instance, if you get an ALTER CLUSTER statement with a SizeClause you just hand the value to the function that handles the SizeClause.
The second case is when there are multiple exclusive alternatives that are related to each other.
: alter_cluster
| alter_database
| alter_function
| alter_package
| alter_procedure
// continues
This rule parses the standalone statements, that can be used directly at the top level of a SQL file.
data class AlterCluster(
// continues
) : UnitStatement(specifiedPosition)
There are too many options to create one giant class. Therefore, instead of creating only one class, we create a class for each alternative. Each of these classes is of the same subclass, in this example UnitStatement
The last approach is adopted for cases that do not involve a clear optimal choice.
: MODIFY (LEFT_PAREN modify_col_properties (COMMA modify_col_properties)* RIGHT_PAREN
| modify_col_properties
| modify_col_substitutable
For instance, this clause that is used to modify a column inside a table.
There are a few alternatives, that can be mixed together. You can have one subrule modify_col_properties
, or many between parentheses, or a third option.
In such cases the best option vary, also depending inside which node this particular node can appear. Therefore we might decide a different combination of the previous cases in every situation.
data class ModifyColumnClauses(
val modify_col_properties: List<ModifyColProperties>? = null,
val modify_col_substitutable: ModifyColSubstitutable? = null,
override val specifiedPosition: Position? = null
Alternatively we can also have nullable fields for all the parts that can be appear only in one option. This is also the case where lists of nodes can be null too, instead of being empty.
This ways it become easier to understand which option was taken in the original code. You just need to check which combination of rules is null. This makes sense only when the combinations of rules are few, therefore this is when we use this approach.
The AST has two main root fields:
, which contains a list of any error foundroot
, which is an object of type CompilationUnit
has a property script
that contains the list of nodes of the AST.
This sections shows information about the abstract nodes of the AST.
Subclass |
AnalyzeCluster |
AnalyzeIndex |
AnalyzeTable |
Subclass |
SearchedCaseStatement |
SimpleCaseStatement |
Subclass |
PackageObj |
Subclass |
ErrorDirective |
SelectionDirective |
Subclass |
Subclass |
Directive |
LabelDeclaration |
Statement |
Subclass |
DatafileTempfileSpec |
RedoLogFileSpec |
Subclass |
FunctionBodyDirect |
FunctionBodyUsing |
Subclass |
MultiTableInsert |
SingleTableInsert |
Subclass |
AtInterval |
ConstantInterval |
FromToInterval |
Subclass |
AndExpression |
ModExpression |
OrExpression |
Subclass |
RelationalProperty |
Subclass |
PivotClause |
UnpivotClause |
Subclass |
StartupClauseMount |
StartupClauseOpen |
Subclass |
TableviewNameSimple |
TableviewNameXmlTable |
Subclass |
DataTypeSpec |
IntervalTypeSpec |
NameTypeSpec |
This sections shows the possible values of enum classes.
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
AS |
IS |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
ON |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
ID |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
Value |
This sections shows information about the nodes that can appear in the AST.
Name | Type |
action | Actions |
values | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
finish_apply | Boolean |
logical_or_physical | Replication? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_definitions | List<RelationalProperty> |
column_properties | ColumnProperties? |
out_of_line_partition_storage | List<OutOfLinePartitionStorage> |
virtual_column_definition | List<VirtualColumnDefinition> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | AlterViewOptions |
out_of_line_constraint | OutOfLineConstraint? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
out_of_line_constraint | List<OutOfLineConstraint> |
out_of_line_ref_constraint | OutOfLineRefConstraint? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
individual_hash_subparts | IndividualHashSubparts |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
list_subpartition_desc | List<ListSubpartitionDesc> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
descriptors | List<LogfileDescriptor> |
filenames | List<LogFilenameReuse> |
group_specs | List<LogGroupSpec> |
instance | Expression? |
isStandby | Boolean |
thread_number | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_column_clause | List<AddColumnClause> |
drop_column_clause | List<DropColumnClause> |
modify_column_clauses | List<ModifyColumnClauses> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
overflow_clause | SegmentAttributesClause? |
partition_clauses | List<SegmentAttributesClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
range_subpartition_desc | List<RangeSubpartitionDesc> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
name | String |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
options | List<AllocateExtentClauseOption> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile | StringLiteral? |
inst_num | IntLiteral? |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
action | Actions |
attributes | List<AttributeDefinition> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partitioning_setting | PartitioningSetting? |
store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cluster_name | ElementName |
options | List<AlterClusterOption> |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
cache_or_nocache | CacheOption? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element_type | TypeSpec? |
limit | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
controlfile_clauses | ControlfileClauses? |
database_file_clauses | DatabaseFileClauses? |
database_name | PlSqlId? |
default_settings_clause | DefaultSettingsClause? |
instance_clauses | InstanceClauses? |
logfile_clauses | LogfileClauses? |
recovery_clauses | RecoveryClauses? |
security_clause | SecurityClause? |
standby_database_clauses | StandbyDatabaseClauses? |
startup_clauses | StartupClauses? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_column_clause | AddColumnClause? |
drop_column_clause | DropColumnClause? |
error_logging_reject_part | ErrorLoggingRejectPart? |
external_table_data_props | ExternalTableDataProps? |
modify_column_clauses | ModifyColumnClauses? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
project_column | ProjectColumn? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alterType | AlterFileType |
autoextend_clause | AutoextendClause? |
filenames | List<StringLiteral> |
filenumbers | List<Filenumber> |
option | AlterFileOption |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
compiler_parameters_clause | List<CompilerParametersClause> |
debug | Boolean |
function_name | ElementName? |
reuse_settings | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_index_multiple_ops | List<AlterIndexMultipleOption> |
alter_index_single_ops | AlterIndexSingleOption? |
index_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_index_partitioning | Statement? |
index_name | ElementName? |
odci_parameters | StringLiteral? |
options | List<AlterIndexOptions> |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
rebuild_clause | RebuildClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
interval | Boolean |
interval_expression | Expression? |
store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
compile | Boolean |
compiler_parameters_clause | List<CompilerParametersClause> |
library_debug | LibraryDebug? |
library_editionable | LibraryEditionable? |
library_name | LibraryName? |
reuse | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
alter_iot_clauses | AlterIotClauses? |
alter_mv_option1 | AlterMvOption? |
alter_table_partitioning | AlterTablePartitioning? |
cache_or_nocache | CacheOption? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
lob_storage_clause | List<LobStorageClause> |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
modify_lob_storage_clause | List<ModifyLobStorageClause> |
modify_mv_column_clause | ModifyMvColumnClause? |
modify_scoped_table_ref_constraint | ScopeOutOfLineRefConstraint? |
option | AlterMaterializedViewOptions? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_attributes_clause | List<PhysicalAttributesClause> |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_mv_log_column_clause | AddMvLogColumnClause? |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
alter_table_partitioning | AlterTablePartitioning? |
cache_or_nocache | CacheOption? |
force | Boolean |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
move_mv_log_clause | MoveMvLogClause? |
mv_log_augmentation | MvLogAugmentation? |
mv_log_purge_clause | MvLogPurgeClause? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
action | Actions |
map_order_function_spec | MapOrderFunctionSpec? |
subprogram_spec | SubprogramSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_overflow_clause | AddOverflowClause? |
allocate_extent_clause | List<AllocateExtentClause> |
deallocate_unused_clause | List<DeallocateUnusedClause> |
segment_attributes_clause | List<SegmentAttributesClause> |
shrink_clause | List<ShrinkClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
compiler_parameters_clause | List<CompilerParametersClause> |
debug | Boolean |
package_name | ElementName? |
reuse_settings | Boolean |
scope | ConstructScope? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
compiler_parameters_clause | List<CompilerParametersClause> |
debug | Boolean |
procedure_name | ElementName? |
reuse | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
sequence_name | ElementName? |
sequence_spec | List<SequenceSpec> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_external_table | AlterExternalTable? |
alter_table_partitioning | AlterTablePartitioning? |
alter_table_properties | AlterTableProperties? |
column_clauses | ColumnClauses? |
constraint_clauses | ConstraintClauses? |
enable_disable_clause | List<EnableDisableClause> |
move_table_clause | MoveTableClause? |
options | List<AlterTableOptions> |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_automatic_partitioning | AlterAutomaticPartitioning? |
modify_index_default_attrs | ModifyIndexDefaultAttrs? |
modify_table_partition | ModifyTablePartition? |
modify_table_subpartition | ModifyTableSubpartition? |
subpartition_template | SubpartitionTemplate? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_table_properties_clauses | AlterTablePropertiesClauses? |
option | AlterTablePropertiesOptions? |
rekey_name | StringLiteral? |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_iot_clauses | AlterIotClauses? |
clauses | List<AlterTablePropertiesClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
autoextend_clause | AutoextendClause? |
backup_clause | AlterTablespaceBackup? |
change_size_clause | AlterTablespaceChangeSize? |
coalesce_clause | AlterTablespaceCoalesce? |
datafile_tempfile_clauses | DatafileTempfileClauses? |
default_clause | AlterTablespaceDefault? |
flashback_mode_clause | FlashbackModeClause? |
rename_clause | AlterTablespaceRename? |
tablespace | PlSqlId |
tablespace_group_clause | TablespaceGroupClause? |
tablespace_logging_clauses | TablespaceLoggingClauses? |
tablespace_retention_clause | TablespaceRetentionClause? |
tablespace_state_clauses | TablespaceStateClauses? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
change_type | ChangeType |
keep_size | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
storage_clause | StorageClause? |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_trigger_name | ElementName |
compiler_parameters_clauses | List<CompilerParametersClause> |
debug | Boolean? |
enable_or_disable | EnableOrDisable? |
rename_trigger_name | ElementName? |
reuse | Boolean? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_attribute | AlterAttribute? |
alter_collection_clauses | AlterCollectionClauses? |
alter_method_spec | AlterMethodSpec? |
compile_type_clause | CompileTypeClause? |
dependent_handling_clause | DependentHandlingClause? |
modifier_clause | ModifierClause? |
overriding_subprogram_spec | OverridingSubprogramSpec? |
replace_type_clause | ReplaceTypeClause? |
type_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_identified_by | List<AlterIdentifiedBy> |
alter_user_editions_clause | List<AlterUserEditionsClause> |
container_clause | List<ContainerClause> |
container_data_clause | List<ContainerDataClause> |
identified_other_clause | List<IdentifiedOtherClause> |
password_expire_clause | List<PasswordExpireClause> |
profile_clause | List<ProfileClause> |
proxy_clause | ProxyClause? |
quota_clause | List<QuotaClause> |
user_default_role_clause | List<UserDefaultRoleClause> |
user_lock_clause | List<UserLockClause> |
user_object_name | List<PlSqlId> |
user_tablespace_clause | List<UserTablespaceClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
delete_statistics | DeleteStatistics? |
list_rows | ListRows? |
statistics_clauses | StatisticsClauses? |
validation_clauses | ValidationClause? |
what | AnalyzeObject |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cluster_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_name | ElementName |
partition_extention_clause | PartitionExtensionClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_extention_clause | PartitionExtensionClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
left | Expression |
right | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
exception_handler | List<ExceptionHandler> |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
manual | Boolean |
option | ArchiveOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
argument | Expression |
identifier | ElementName? |
modifier | ArgumentModifiers? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | Expression |
variable | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_association | ColumnAssociation? |
function_association | FunctionAssociation? |
storage_table_clause | StorageTableClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
at | Expression |
time | TimeType |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
operations | List<String> |
statementsOrPrivileges | StatementsOrPrivileges |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
auditing_on_clause | AuditingOnClause? |
sql_operation | List<SqlOperation> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
audit_container_clause | AuditContainerClause? |
audit_direct_path | AuditDirectPath? |
by | SessionOrAccess? |
whenever | Whenever? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
audit_container_clause | AuditContainerClause? |
by | SessionOrAccess? |
whenever | Whenever? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
audit_container_clause | AuditContainerClause? |
audit_operation_clause | AuditOperationClause? |
auditing_by_clause | AuditingByClause? |
by | SessionOrAccess? |
in_session_current | Boolean |
whenever | Whenever? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
audit_container_clause | AuditContainerClause? |
audit_schema_object_clause | AuditSchemaObjectClause? |
by | SessionOrAccess? |
whenever | Whenever? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
auditing_target | AuditingTarget |
id | PlSqlId? |
name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
maxsize_clause | MaxsizeClause? |
off | Boolean |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | AlterSessionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | RefreshOptions |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | StorageOptions |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
bind | String |
indexing | Expression? |
indicator | String? |
isInt | Boolean |
parts | List<ElementId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
columns | List<ColumnIndicator> |
from_tables | List<TableIndicator> |
index_attributes | IndexAttributes? |
local_partitioned_index | LocalPartitionedIndex? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
where_clause | WhereClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
declare | Boolean |
declare_spec | List<DeclareSpec> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
exception_handler | List<ExceptionHandler> |
label_name | PlSqlId? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
lower_bound | Expression |
upper_bound | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
between_bound | BetweenBound? |
collection_name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
variadic | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
c_agent_in_clause | CAgentInClause? |
c_name | StringLiteral? |
c_parameters_clause | CParametersClause? |
identifier | ElementName? |
with_context | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | CacheOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
calls | List<IndividualCall> |
keep_clause | KeepClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
searched_case_statement | SearchedCaseStatement |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
simple_case_statement | SimpleCaseStatement |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression |
expression | Expression? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
concatenation | Expression? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
multiset_subquery | Subquery? |
name | Expression |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
expression | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
logfile_descriptor | List<LogfileDescriptor> |
unarchived | Boolean |
unrecoverable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parameter_name | ElementName |
value | AlterSessionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cluster_name | ElementName? |
index_attributes | IndexAttributes? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
clustering | AllowOrDisallow? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId |
update_index_clause | GlobalIndexClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
modifier | ArgumentModifiers? |
name | Expression |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | List<ElementName> |
tableview_name | List<TableviewName> |
using_statistics_type | UsingStatisticsType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName? |
expression | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
subquery | Subquery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName? |
datatype | TypeSpec? |
default_expression | Expression? |
encryption | EncryptionSpec? |
inline_constraint | List<InlineConstraint> |
inline_ref_constraint | InlineRefConstraint? |
sort | Boolean |
type_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
asc_or_desc | AscOrDesc? |
column_name | ElementName |
table | TableIndicator? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
attribute_name | ElementName? |
column_name | ElementName? |
size | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
is_string | StringLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
is_string | StringLiteral |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
option | CommitOption? |
work | Boolean |
write_clause | WriteClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
logical_or_physical | Replication? |
option | CommitSwitchoverOption |
session_shutdown_wait_or_nowait | WaitOrNoWait? |
session_shutdown_with_or_without | WithOrWithout? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
compiler_parameters_clause | List<CompilerParametersClause> |
debug | Boolean |
reuse_settings | Boolean |
scope | ConstructScope? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parameter_name | ElementName |
parameter_value | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | List<ElementName> |
hash_partitions_by_quantity | HashPartitionsByQuantity? |
individual_hash_partitions | IndividualHashPartitions? |
subpartition_by_hash | SubpartitionByHash? |
subpartition_by_list | SubpartitionByList? |
subpartition_by_range | SubpartitionByRange? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
list_partition_desc | List<ListPartitionDesc> |
subpartition_by_hash | SubpartitionByHash? |
subpartition_by_list | SubpartitionByList? |
subpartition_by_range | SubpartitionByRange? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
interval_expression | Expression? |
range | List<ElementName> |
range_partition_desc | List<RangePartitionDesc> |
store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
subpartition_by_hash | SubpartitionByHash? |
subpartition_by_list | SubpartitionByList? |
subpartition_by_range | SubpartitionByRange? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dml_event_clause | DmlEventClause |
referencing_clause | ReferencingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
between_elements | BetweenElements? |
escape_concatenation | Expression? |
in_elements | Expression? |
like_concatenation | Expression? |
like_type | String? |
main_concatenation | Expression |
negated | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
left | Expression |
op | ConcatenationOperatorType |
right | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
else_part | ConditionalInsertElsePart? |
target | PositionTarget? |
when_parts | List<ConditionalInsertWhenPart> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
multi_table_element | List<MultiTableElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression |
multi_table_element | List<MultiTableElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
first_value | Expression? |
from_time | TimeType |
interval_time | Expression |
second_value | Expression? |
to_second_value | Expression? |
to_time | TimeType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
options | List<ConstraintStateOption> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | ConstraintStateOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | ConstraintStateOptionValue |
using_index_clause | UsingIndexClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alias | Expression |
encryption | EncryptionSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
scoped_constraint | ScopeOutOfLineRefConstraint |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
final | Boolean |
function_type | TypeSpec |
instantiable | Boolean |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
self_in_out_type | TypeSpec? |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec> |
type_elements_parameter | List<TypeElementsParameter> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
action | Actions |
container_names | List<PlSqlId> |
scope | ContainerScope? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_rem_container_data | ContainerData? |
container_tableview_name | ElementName? |
set_container_data | ContainerData? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression? |
label_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filename | StringLiteral? |
reuse | Boolean |
trace_file_clause | TraceFileClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filename | StringLiteral |
logical_or_physical | Replication? |
reuse | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
model_type | ModelType? |
names | List<ElementName> |
valuesClause | ValuesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cache_or_nocache | CacheOption? |
cluster_name | ElementName |
elements | List<CreateClusterElement> |
options | List<CreateClusterOption> |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
row_dependencies | RowDependencies? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
datatype | TypeSpec |
sort | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
hash_is | Expression? |
key | IntLiteral |
single_table | Boolean |
value | CreateClusterOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | CreateClusterOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause |
value | CreateClusterOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
size_clause | SizeClause |
value | CreateClusterOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
tablespace | PlSqlId |
value | CreateClusterOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
option | CreateContextOption? |
oracle_namespace | PlSqlId |
package_name | ElementName |
using_schema_object_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
asNew | Boolean |
file_specifications | List<FileSpecification> |
filenames | List<StringLiteral> |
filenumbers | List<Filenumber> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
directory_name | PlSqlId |
directory_path | StringLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
can_replace | Boolean |
deterministic | Boolean? |
function_name | ElementName |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
parallel_enable_clause | ParallelEnableClause? |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
pipelined | Boolean |
result_cache_clause | ResultCacheClause? |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
deterministic | Boolean? |
function_name | ElementName |
implementation_type_name | ElementName? |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
parallel_enable_clause | ParallelEnableClause? |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
pipelined_or_aggregate | PipelinedOrAggregate |
result_cache_clause | ResultCacheClause? |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
bitmap_join_index_clause | BitmapJoinIndexClause? |
cluster_index_clause | ClusterIndexClause? |
index_name | ElementName |
table_index_clause | TableIndexClause? |
unique_or_bitmap | UniqueOrBitmap? |
unusable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
build_clause | BuildClause? |
cache_or_nocache | CacheOption? |
constraints_or_aliases | List<ConstraintsOrAliases>? |
create_materialized_view_using_index_clause | List<CreateMaterializedViewUsingIndexClause>? |
create_mv_refresh | CreateMvRefresh? |
for_update | Boolean |
index_or_noindex | IndexOrNoIndex? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_properties | PhysicalProperties? |
prebuilt_table | PrebuiltTable? |
query_rewrite | QueryRewrite? |
select_only_statement | Query |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
type_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
mv_log_purge_clause | MvLogPurgeClause? |
options | List<CreateMaterializedViewLogOption> |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
table_partitioning_clauses | TablePartitioningClauses? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
with_clauses | WithClauses? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cache_option | CacheOption? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
tablespace_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
mv_tablespace | PlSqlId? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
category | ElementName? |
outline_modifier | PublicOrPrivate? |
outline_name | ElementName |
source_modifier | PublicOrPrivate? |
source_outline | ElementName? |
unit_statement | UnitStatement? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
package_name | ElementName |
package_obj_spec | List<PackageObj> |
schema_object_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
package_name | ElementName |
package_obj_body | List<PackageObj> |
schema_object_name | PlSqlId? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
can_replace | Boolean |
declare | Boolean |
external | Boolean |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
procedure_name | ElementName |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
sequence_name | ElementName |
sequence_spec | List<SequenceSpec> |
sequence_start_clause | List<SequenceStartClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
for_schema_name | ElementName? |
is_public | Boolean |
link_name | ElementName? |
schema_name | ElementName? |
schema_object_name | PlSqlId |
synonym_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
as_statement | Query? |
global_temporary | Boolean |
object_table | ObjectTable |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
as_statement | Query? |
cache | CacheOption? |
column_properties | ColumnProperties? |
enable_disable_clause | List<EnableDisableClause> |
flashback_archive_clause | FlashbackArchiveClause? |
global_temporary | Boolean |
on_commit | OnCommit? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_properties | PhysicalProperties? |
relational_properties | List<RelationalProperty> |
result_cache | CacheOption? |
row_dependencies | RowDependencies? |
row_movement_clause | RowMovementClauseValue? |
table_partitioning_clauses | TablePartitioningClauses? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
as_statement | Query? |
global_temporary | Boolean |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
xmltype_table | XmltypeTable |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_size | FileSize? |
permanent_tablespace_clause | PermanentTablespaceClause? |
temporary_tablespace_clause | TemporaryTablespaceClause? |
undo_tablespace_clause | UndoTablespaceClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
enable_or_disable | EnableOrDisable? |
trigger | DmlOrNotTrigger |
trigger_body | TriggerBody |
trigger_follows_clause | TriggerFollowsClause? |
trigger_name | ElementName |
trigger_when_clause | TriggerWhenClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
type_body | TypeBody? |
type_definition | TypeDefinition? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
container_clause | List<ContainerClause> |
identified_by | List<IdentifiedBy> |
identified_other_clause | List<IdentifiedOtherClause> |
password_expire_clause | List<PasswordExpireClause> |
profile_clause | List<ProfileClause> |
quota_clause | List<QuotaClause> |
user_editions_clause | List<EnableEditionsClause> |
user_lock_clause | List<UserLockClause> |
user_object_name | PlSqlId? |
user_tablespace_clause | List<UserTablespaceClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_force | Boolean |
can_replace | Boolean |
editionable | Boolean |
editioning | Boolean |
select_only_statement | Query |
subquery_restriction_clause | SubqueryRestrictionClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
view_options | ViewOptions? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName |
is_statement | SelectStatement? |
parameters | List<ParameterSpec> |
return_type | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cursor_name | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
status | CursorStatus |
name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_name | ElementName |
lower_bound | Expression |
reverse | Boolean |
upper_bound | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cursor_name | Expression? |
expressions | List<Expression>? |
record_name | Expression |
select_statement | SelectStatement? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_list | List<ElementName> |
column_name | ElementName |
default_expression | Expression |
to_expression | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
char_set_name | ElementName? |
fractional_precision | Expression? |
leading_precision | Expression? |
native_type | String |
precision_type | String? |
time_type | TimeType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile_tempfile_spec | DatafileTempfileSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile_specification | DatafileSpecification? |
tempfile_specification | TempfileSpecification? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_type | AlterFileType |
filename | StringLiteral? |
number_file | IntLiteral? |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_type | AlterFileType |
online_or_offline | OnlineOrOffline |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
rename_filenames | List<StringLiteral> |
to_filenames | List<StringLiteral> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filename | StringLiteral? |
number_file | IntLiteral? |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
autoextend_clause | AutoextendClause? |
filename | StringLiteral? |
reuse | Boolean |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | String |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
m_modifier | Boolean |
value | BigDecimal |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cpu_cost | IntLiteral |
io_cost | IntLiteral |
network_cost | IntLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
enable_or_disable | EnableOrDisable |
filename | StringLiteral? |
reuse | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
error_logging_clause | ErrorLoggingClause? |
from | Boolean |
general_table_ref | GeneralTableRef |
static_returning_clause | StaticReturningClause? |
where_clause | WhereClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
force | Boolean |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dependent_exceptions_part | DependentExceptionsPart? |
options | List<DependentHandlingClauseOption> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dml_event_elements | List<DmlEventElement> |
dml_event_nested_clause | DmlEventNestedClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_list | List<ElementName> |
operation | SqlOperation |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
table_collection_expression | TableCollectionExpression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
select_statement | SelectStatement |
subquery_restriction_clause | SubqueryRestrictionClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
sample_clause | SampleClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
indextype | ElementName |
local_domain_index_clause | LocalDomainIndexClause? |
odci_parameters | StringLiteral? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade_clauses | List<CascadeClause> |
checkpoint | IntLiteral? |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
drop_type | DropColumnClauseType |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName |
option | AlterViewOptions |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade | Boolean? |
drop_what | TargetElement |
keep_or_drop | KeepOrDrop? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
drop_clauses | List<DropConstraintClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filename | List<StringLiteral> |
logfile_descriptor | List<LogfileDescriptor> |
standby | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Boolean |
package_name | ElementName |
schema_object_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade_constraints | Boolean |
purge | Boolean |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Boolean |
force_or_validate | ForceOrValidate? |
type_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
option | AlterViewOptions |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade_constraint | Boolean |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
into_clause | IntoClause |
return_or_returning | ReturnOrReturning |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | Arguments? |
charset | List<PlSqlId> |
link | ElementName? |
names | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element_spec_options | List<ElementSpecOptions> |
modifier_clause | ModifierClause? |
pragma_clause | PragmaClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade | Boolean? |
element | TargetElement |
enable_or_disable | EnableOrDisable |
exceptions_clause | ExceptionsClause? |
index | KeepOrDrop? |
using_index_clause | UsingIndexClause? |
validate_or_novalidate | ValidateOrNoValidate? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
action | EncryptOrDecrypt |
encryption_spec | EncryptionSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
encrypt_algorithm | StringLiteral? |
integrity_algorithm | StringLiteral? |
password | StringLiteral? |
salt | Boolean? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
error_logging_reject_part | ErrorLoggingRejectPart? |
expression | Expression? |
into_tableview | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
reject_limit | RejectLimit |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
for_clause | ForClause? |
sample_unit | RowsOrPercent? |
sample_value | IntLiteral? |
system | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
exception_name | List<ElementName> |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dynamic_returning_clause | DynamicReturningClause? |
expression | Expression |
into_clause | IntoClause? |
using_clause | UsingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression? |
label_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
delete_statement | DeleteStatement? |
insert_statement | InsertStatement? |
into_tableview | TableviewName? |
merge_statement | MergeStatement? |
select_statement | SelectStatement? |
statement_id | StringLiteral? |
update_statement | UpdateStatement? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
option | RefreshOptions |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
option | StorageOptions |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | ExtentManagementClauseOption? |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<ExternalTableDataPropsElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
directory_name | PlSqlId? |
location | List<StringLiteral>? |
parameter_string | StringLiteral? |
parameter_subquery | Subquery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
argument | String |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
from | Expression |
name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cycle_clause | CycleClause? |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
query_name | ElementName |
search_clause | SearchClause? |
subquery | Subquery |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
first_or_next | FirstOrNext |
only_or_with_ties | OnlyOrWithTies |
percent_keyword | Boolean |
row_or_rows | RowOrRows |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
bulk_collect | Boolean |
cursor_name | Expression |
variable_names | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
default_value_part | DefaultValuePart? |
not_null | Boolean |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
flashback_archive | String? |
option | FlashbackArchiveClauseOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
option | FlashbackQueryClauseOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
columns_desc | List<ColumnsDesc>? |
option | ForClauseOption |
size | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_list | List<ElementName> |
for_update_options | ForUpdateOptions? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
option | ForUpdateOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
bounds_clause | BoundsClause |
index_name | ElementName |
save_exceptions | Boolean |
sql_statement | Statement |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
no_force | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
on_delete_clause | OnDelete? |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
references_clause | ReferencesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
on_delete_clause | OnDelete? |
references_clause | ReferencesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
ref_col_or_attr | List<PlSqlId> |
references_clause | ReferencesClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
from | Expression? |
time_from | TimeType |
time_to | TimeType |
to | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<FullDatabaseRecoveryElement> |
standby | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
change | IntLiteral? |
option | FullDatabaseRecoveryElementOption |
time | StringLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
declare | Boolean |
function_name | ElementName |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
return_type | TypeSpec |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
type_elements_parameters | List<TypeElementsParameter> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
default_cost_clause | DefaultCostClause? |
default_selectivity_clause | DefaultSelectivityClause? |
function_association_element | FunctionAssociationElement |
using_statistics_type | UsingStatisticsType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
functions_names | List<ElementName> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
indexes_names | List<ElementName> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
packages_names | List<ElementName> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
types_names | List<ElementName> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
deterministic | Boolean? |
function_name | ElementName |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
parallel_enable_clause | ParallelEnableClause? |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
pipelined | Boolean |
result_cache_clause | ResultCacheClause? |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
deterministic | Boolean? |
function_name | ElementName |
implementation_type_name | ElementName? |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
parallel_enable_clause | ParallelEnableClause? |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
pipelined_or_aggregate | PipelinedOrAggregate |
result_cache_clause | ResultCacheClause? |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
deterministic | Boolean |
identifier | ElementName |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
pipelined | Boolean |
result_cache | Boolean |
return_type | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
automatic | Boolean |
database_option | List<GeneralRecoveryDatabaseOption> |
from | StringLiteral? |
full_database_recovery | FullDatabaseRecovery? |
logfile | StringLiteral? |
option | GeneralRecoveryOption |
partial_database_recovery | PartialDatabaseRecovery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
corruption | IntLiteral? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
value | GeneralRecoveryDatabaseOptionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
automatic | Boolean |
from | StringLiteral? |
option | GeneralRecoveryOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dml_table_expression_clause | DmlTableExpressionClause? |
only | Boolean |
table_alias | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<Expression> |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
hash_partitions_by_quantity | HashPartitionsByQuantity? |
individual_hash_partitions | IndividualHashPartitions? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
index_partitioning_clause | IndexPartitioningClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
schema_object_name | PlSqlId |
source_or_resource | SourceOrResource |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
container_clause | ContainerClause? |
grant_option | Boolean |
grant_statement_elements | List<GrantStatementElement> |
grantees | List<GranteeNameOrPublic> |
hierarchy_option | Boolean |
on_grant_object | GrantObjectName? |
with_option | AdminOrDelegate? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
object_privilege | ObjectPrivilege? |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName>? |
role_name | RoleName? |
system_privilege | SystemPrivilege? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
group_by_elements | List<GroupByElements> |
having_clause | HavingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
grouping_sets_clause | GroupingSetsClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
rollup_cube_clause | RollupCubeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
grouping_sets_elements | List<GroupingSetsElements> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
rollup_cube_clause | RollupCubeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | List<ElementName> |
hash_partitions_by_quantity | HashPartitionsByQuantity? |
individual_hash_partitions | IndividualHashPartitions? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
hash_partition_quantity | IntLiteral |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
overflow_store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression |
no_cycle | Boolean |
start_condition | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identified | Identified |
identified_as | StringLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression? |
else_if_part | List<ElseIfPart> |
else_part | ElsePart? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | List<KeyCompression> |
logging_clause | List<LoggingClauseValue> |
parallel_clause | List<ParallelClause> |
physical_attributes_clause | List<PhysicalAttributesClause> |
reverse | List<ReverseAttribute> |
sort_or_nosort | List<SortOrNoSort> |
tablespace | List<TablespaceAttribute> |
visible_or_invisible | List<VisibleOrInvisible> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
including_column_name | ElementName? |
overflow_segment_attributes_clause | SegmentAttributesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_org_overflow_clause | IndexOrgOverflowClause? |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
mapping_table_clause | MappingTableClause? |
pct_threshold | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
options | List<IndexPartitionDescriptionOption> |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
unusable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
odci_parameters | StringLiteral? |
segment_attributes_clause | SegmentAttributesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
less_than | List<Expression> |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
segment_attributes_clause | SegmentAttributesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_subpartition_subclause | List<IndexSubpartitionSubclause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
unusable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
individual_hash_partitions_clause | List<IndividualHashPartitionsClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
partitioning_storage_clause | PartitioningStorageClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partitioning_storage_clause | PartitioningStorageClause? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
check_constraint | CheckConstraint |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
option | ConstraintOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
references_clause | ReferencesClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
attribute_name | ElementName? |
column_name | ElementName? |
default_expression | Expression? |
inline_constraints | List<InlineConstraint>? |
inline_ref_constraint | InlineRefConstraint? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
references_clause | ReferencesClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
general_table_ref | GeneralTableRef? |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
enable_or_disable | EnableOrDisable |
instance | StringLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | BigInteger |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
from_time | Expression? |
from_type | TimeType |
to_time | Expression? |
to_type | TimeType |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cross_or_natural | CrossOrNatural? |
inner_or_outer | InnerOrOuter? |
join_on | List<Expression> |
join_using | List
outer_join_type | OuterJoinType? |
query_partition_clause | List<QueryPartitionClause> |
table_ref_aux | TableRefAux |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dense_rank | DenseRank |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause |
over_clause | OverClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
compression | IntLiteral? |
status | CompressionStatus |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
list_values_clause | ListValuesClause |
partition_desc_clause | PartitionDescClause? |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
table_partition_description | TablePartitionDescription |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
list_partitions_clauses | List<ListPartitionsClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
list_values_clause | ListValuesClause |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
table_partition_description | TablePartitionDescription |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
list_values_clause | ListValuesClause |
partitioning_storage_clause | PartitioningStorageClause? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
chunk | Chunk? |
encryption | Encryption? |
freepools | Freepools? |
lob_compression_clause | LobCompressionClause? |
lob_deduplicate_clause | LobDeduplicateClause? |
lob_parameter_cache | LobParameterCache? |
lob_retention_clause | LobRetentionClause? |
pctversion | Pctversion? |
storage_in_row | StorageInRow? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cache_option | CacheOption |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_type | FileType? |
lob_item | PlSqlId |
lob_segname | PlSqlId? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | LobRetentionClauseOption |
value | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_types | List<FileType> |
lob_item | List<PlSqlId> |
lob_segname | List<PlSqlId> |
lob_storage_parameters | List<LobStorageParameters> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
lob_parameters | LobParameters? |
storage_clause | StorageClause? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
local_domain_index_clause_elements | List<LocalDomainIndexClauseElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
odci_parameters | StringLiteral? |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
on_comp_partitioned_table | OnCompPartitionedTable? |
on_hash_partitioned_table | OnHashPartitionedTable? |
on_list_partitioned_table | OnListPartitionedTable? |
on_range_partitioned_table | OnRangePartitionedTable? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
xmlindex_parameters_clause | XmlIndexParametersClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_extension_clause | PartitionExtensionClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
lock_mode | LockMode |
lock_table_elements | List<LockTableElement> |
wait_part | WaitPart? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
group | IntLiteral? |
redo_log_file_spec | RedoLogFileSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filenames | List<StringLiteral> |
group | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | LoggingClauseValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
negated | Boolean |
only | Boolean |
operation | LogicalOperationType |
type_spec | List<TypeSpec> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
for_cursor_loop_param | CursorLoopParam? |
label_declaration | LabelDeclaration? |
label_name | PlSqlId? |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement> |
while_condition | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cell_reference_options | List<CellReferenceOptions> |
main_model_name | ElementName? |
model_column_clauses | ModelColumnClauses |
model_rules_clause | ModelRulesClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
change | IntLiteral? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
value | ManagedStandbyRecoveryClauseValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | ManagedStandbyRecoveryDatabaseOption |
recovery_clauses | List<ManagedStandbyRecoveryClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
db_name | PlSqlId? |
option | ManagedStandbyRecoveryLogicalOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
func_decl_in_type | FuncDeclInType |
map_or_order | MapOrOrder |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
map_or_order | MapOrOrder |
type_function_spec | TypeFunctionSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
values | List<Expression> |
when_not_matched | List<ElementName> |
where_clause | WhereClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
error_logging_clause | ErrorLoggingClause? |
into_tableview | TableviewName |
merge_insert_clause | MergeInsertClause? |
merge_update_clause | MergeUpdateClause? |
on_condition | Expression |
table_alias | Expression? |
using_selected_tableview | SelectedTableview |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
merge_element | List<MergeElement> |
merge_update_delete_clause | WhereClause? |
where_clause | WhereClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
left | Expression |
right | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cell_reference_options | List<CellReferenceOptions> |
main_model | MainModel |
reference_model | List<ReferenceModel> |
return_rows_clause | ReturnRowsClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_alias | Expression? |
expression | Expression? |
query_block | QueryBlock? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dimensions_columns | List<ModelColumn> |
measures_columns | List<ModelColumn> |
partition_columns | List<ModelColumn> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | Expression? |
expression | Expression |
interval_expression | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
multi_column_for_loop | MultiColumnForLoop |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
single_column_for_loops | List<SingleColumnForLoop> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
model_iterate_clause | ModelIterateClause? |
model_rules_element | List<ModelRulesElement> |
order | Order? |
rules_option | UpdateOrUpsert? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cell_assignment | ModelExpression |
expression | Expression |
option | UpdateOrUpsert? |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<Expression> |
external_using_clause | UsingClause? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
internal_using_clause | UsingClause |
keep_clause | KeepClause? |
name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_xmlschema_clause | AlterXmlschemaClause? |
column_name | ElementName |
datatype | TypeSpec? |
default_expression | Expression? |
encryption | Encryption? |
inline_constraint | List<InlineConstraint> |
lob_storage_clause | LobStorageClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
force | Boolean |
not_substitutable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
collection_item | TableviewName |
return_as | LocatorOrValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
modify_col_properties | List<ModifyColProperties>? |
modify_col_substitutable | ModifyColSubstitutable? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName |
option | AlterViewOptions |
rely | Boolean |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade | Boolean? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState |
element | TargetElement |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
for_partition_name | PlSqlId? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
tablespace | TablespaceSetting? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
options | List<ModifyIndexPartitionOption> |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
odci_parameters | StringLiteral? |
option | ModifyIndexPartitionOptionValue? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId |
unusable | Boolean? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
encryption | Encryption? |
freepools | Freepools? |
lob_compression_clause | LobCompressionClause? |
lob_deduplicate_clause | LobDeduplicateClause? |
lob_retention_clause | LobRetentionClause? |
modify_lob_parameter_cache | LobParameterCache? |
pctversion | Pctversion? |
rebuild_freepools | RebuildFreepools? |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
storage_clause | StorageClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
lob_item | PlSqlId |
modify_lob_parameters | ModifyLobParameters |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
encryption | Encryption? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alter_mapping_table_clause | AlterMappingTableClause? |
coalesce_table_subpartition | CoalesceTableSubpartition? |
indexing_clause | OnOrOff? |
local_indexes | LocalIndexes? |
partition_attributes | PartitionAttributes? |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
read_clause | OpenStatus? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_hash_subpartition | AddHashSubpartition? |
add_list_subpartition | AddListSubpartition? |
add_range_subpartition | AddRangeSubpartition? |
coalesce_table_subpartition | CoalesceTableSubpartition? |
indexing_clause | OnOrOff? |
local_indexes | LocalIndexes? |
partition_attributes | PartitionAttributes? |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
read_clause | OpenStatus? |
values | ActionValues? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
add_hash_subpartition | AddHashSubpartition? |
add_list_subpartition | AddListSubpartition? |
add_range_subpartition | AddRangeSubpartition? |
alter_mapping_table_clause | AlterMappingTableClause? |
coalesce_table_subpartition | CoalesceTableSubpartition? |
indexing_clause | OnOrOff? |
local_indexes | LocalIndexes? |
partition_attributes | PartitionAttributes? |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
read_clause | OpenStatus? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
indexing_clause | OnOrOff? |
local_indexes | LocalIndexes? |
modify_table_subpartition_lob | ModifyTableSubpartitionLob? |
read_clause | OpenStatus? |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<ModifyTableSubpartitionLobElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
lob_item | PlSqlId? |
modify_lob_parameters | ModifyLobParameters |
varray_item | VarrayItem? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
segment_attributes_clause | SegmentAttributesClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_org_table_clause | IndexOrgTableClause? |
lob_storage_clause | List<LobStorageClause> |
online | Boolean |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
segment_attributes_clause | SegmentAttributesClause? |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
varray_col_properties | List<VarrayColProperties> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
subquery | Subquery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
error_logging_clause | ErrorLoggingClause? |
insert_into_clause | InsertIntoClause |
values_clause | ValuesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
conditional_insert_clause | ConditionalInsertClause? |
multi_table_elements | List<MultiTableElement>? |
select_statement | SelectStatement |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
concatenation | Expression? |
expression | Expression |
multiset_type | MultisetType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | List<ElementName>? |
mv_log_element | WithClausesElement? |
new_values_clause | NewValuesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
value | MvLogPurgeClauseValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
isRef | Boolean |
name | ElementName |
typeSpecType | TypeSpecType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_properties | List<ColumnProperties> |
nested_item | PlSqlId? |
nested_item_type | NestedItemType |
object_properties | List<ObjectProperties> |
physical_properties | List<PhysicalProperties> |
return_as | Boolean? |
return_what | LocatorOrValue? |
scope | LocalOrGlobal? |
substitutable_column_clause | SubstitutableColumnClause? |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
activation | Activation |
non_dml_events | List<NonDmlEvent> |
on_what | DatabaseOrSchema |
schema_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<Expression> |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
modifier | NumericArgumentModifier? |
multi_column_for_loop | MultiColumnForLoop? |
name | Expression |
over_clause | OverClause? |
single_column_for_loop | SingleColumnForLoop? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
nested_table_type_def | NestedTableTypeDef? |
target_is_object | Boolean? |
varray_type_def | VarrayTypeDef? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element_spec | ElementSpec? |
identifier | ElementName? |
sqlj_object_type_attr | SqljObjectTypeAttr? |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cache_or_no_cache | CacheOption? |
column_properties | ColumnProperties? |
enable_disable_clauses | List<EnableDisableClause> |
flashback_archive_clause | FlashbackArchiveClause? |
object_properties | List<ObjectProperties> |
object_table_substitution | ObjectTableSubstitution? |
of_type | ElementName |
oid_clause | OidClause? |
oid_index_clause | OidIndexClause? |
on_commit | OnCommit? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_properties | PhysicalProperties? |
result_cache | CacheOption? |
row_dependencies | RowDependencies? |
row_movement_clause | RowMovementClauseValue? |
table_partitioning_clauses | TablePartitioningClauses? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column | PlSqlId |
substitutable_column_clause | SubstitutableColumnClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
modifier_clause | List<ModifierClause> |
object_as_part | ObjectAsPart? |
object_member_spec | List<ObjectMemberSpec> |
object_under_part | ObjectUnderPart? |
sqlj_object_type | SqljObjectType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
ids | List<PlSqlId> |
object_view_clause_constraint | List<ObjectViewClauseConstraint> |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
type_name | ElementName |
with_object_target | WithObject? |
with_object_value | SettingTarget? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
id | PlSqlId? |
inline_constraint | InlineConstraint? |
out_of_line_constraint | OutOfLineConstraint? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_name | ElementName? |
physical_attributes_clause | List<PhysicalAttributesClause> |
tablespace | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_subpartition_clause | IndexSubpartitionClause? |
key_compression | List<KeyCompression> |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
segment_attributes_clause | List<SegmentAttributesClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
on_comp_partitioned_clause | List<OnCompPartitionedClause> |
tablespace | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
unusable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
on_hash_partitioned_clause | List<OnHashPartitionedClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partitioned_table | List<PartitionedTable> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partitioned_table | List<PartitionedTable> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
select_statement | SelectStatement? |
using_clause | UsingClause? |
variable_name | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cursor_name | Expression? |
expressions | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
left | Expression |
right | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
order_by_elements | List<OrderByElements> |
siblings | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
asc_or_desc | AscOrDesc? |
expression | Expression |
nulls | PositionTarget? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<OutOfLinePartitionStorageElement> |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
subpartitions | List<OutOfLinePartitionStorageSubpartition> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
lob_storage_clause | LobStorageClause? |
nested_table_col_properties | NestedTableColProperties? |
varray_col_properties | VarrayColProperties? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<OutOfLinePartitionStorageElement> |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
table | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
query_partition_clause | QueryPartitionClause? |
windowing_clause | WindowingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
function_name | ElementName |
is_or_as | IsOrAs? |
pipelined | Boolean? |
return_result | ReturnResult |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
type_elements_parameters | List<TypeElementsParameter> |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
overriding_function_spec | OverridingFunctionSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | AlterSessionValue |
value_parallel | Expression? |
what_parallel | ParallelSession |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parallel | Parallel |
parallel_count | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
default_value_part | DefaultValuePart? |
modes | List<ParameterMode> |
parameter_name | ElementName |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
default_value_part | DefaultValuePart? |
in_value | Boolean |
parameter_name | ElementName? |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | PartialDatabaseRecoveryElement |
standby | Boolean |
until_consistent | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile | StringLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filenumbers | List<Filenumber> |
strings | List<StringLiteral> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<PartitionAttributesElement> |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
allocate_extent_clause | AllocateExtentClause? |
deallocate_unused_clause | DeallocateUnusedClause? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
overflow | Boolean |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
shrink_clause | ShrinkClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
by_target | ByTarget |
expression | Expression |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
streaming_clause | StreamingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
hash_subparts_by_quantity | HashSubpartsByQuantity? |
individual_hash_subparts | List<IndividualHashSubparts> |
list_subpartition_desc | List<ListSubpartitionDesc> |
range_subpartition_desc | List<RangeSubpartitionDesc> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
keys | List<Expression> |
name | PlSqlId? |
partition | PartitionOrSubpartition |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | List<KeyCompression> |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
segment_attributes_clause | List<SegmentAttributesClause> |
unusable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
options | List<PartitioningStorageClauseOption> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_type | FileType? |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
lob_partitioning_storage | LobPartitioningStorage? |
lob_segname | PlSqlId? |
overflow_tablespace | PlSqlId? |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
varray_item | VarrayItem? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
number | IntLiteral? |
value | PctversionOrFreepoolsValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile_specification | DatafileSpecification? |
id_expression | PlSqlId |
permanent_tablespace_clause_options | List<PermanentTablespaceClauseOption> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
extent_management_clause | ExtentManagementClause? |
flashback_mode_clause | FlashbackModeClause? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
option | PermanentTablespaceClauseOptionValue |
segment_management_clause | SegmentManagementClause? |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
storage_clause | StorageClause? |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
tablespace_encryption_spec | TablespaceEncryptionSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
inittrans | List<IntLiteral> |
pctfree | List<IntLiteral> |
pctused | List<IntLiteral> |
storage_clause | List<StorageClause> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
deferred_segment_creation | TimingCreation? |
segment_attributes_clause | SegmentAttributesClause |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
pivot_element | List<PivotElement> |
pivot_for_clause | PivotForClause |
pivot_in_clause | PivotInClause |
xml | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
aggregate_function_name | ElementName |
column_alias | Expression? |
expression | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
any | Int? |
pivot_in_clause_elements | List<PivotInClauseElement>? |
subquery | Subquery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_alias | Expression? |
elements | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
id | String |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
end | Point |
start | Point |
Name | Type |
exception_name | ElementName |
numeric_negative | NumericNegative |
option | PragmaDeclarationOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
inline_id | ElementName |
option | PragmaDeclarationOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
first_is_default | Boolean |
ids | List<ElementName> |
option | PragmaDeclarationOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | PragmaDeclarationOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName? |
pragma_element | PragmaElement |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
base | PrecisionBase? |
fractional | Expression? |
leading | Leading |
leading_numeric | Expression? |
negative_fractional | Boolean? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<Expression> |
cost_matrix_clause | CostMatrixClause? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
using_clause | UsingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
declare | Boolean |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
procedure_name | ElementName |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
type_elements_parameter | List<TypeElementsParameter> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body? |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
declare | Boolean |
external | Boolean |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
procedure_name | ElementName |
seq_of_declare_specs | List<DeclareSpec>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName |
parameters | List<Parameter> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
authenticated_using | Authentication? |
authentication_required | Boolean? |
proxy_through | ProxyThrough |
revoke_or_grant | RevokeOrGrant |
role_clause | RoleClause? |
user_object_name | PlSqlId? |
with_roles | WithRoles? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
from_clause | FromClause |
group_by_clause | GroupByClause? |
hierarchical_query_clause | HierarchicalQueryClause? |
into_clause | IntoClause? |
model_clause | ModelClause? |
modifier | SelectModifierType |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
selected | List<SelectElement> |
where_clause | WhereClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
subquery | Subquery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
on_id | PlSqlId |
quota_size | QuotaSize |
size_clause | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_desc_clause | PartitionDescClause? |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
range_values_clause | RangeValuesClause |
table_partition_description | TablePartitionDescription? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
interval_expression | Expression? |
range | List<ElementName> |
range_partitions_clauses | List<RangePartitionsClause> |
store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
range_values_clause | RangeValuesClause |
table_partition_description | TablePartitionDescription |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partitioning_storage_clause | PartitioningStorageClause? |
range_values_clause | RangeValuesClause |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
odci_parameters | StringLiteral? |
online | Boolean? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
physical_attributes_clause | PhysicalAttributesClause? |
reverse_or_noreverse | ReverseOrNoReverse? |
subpartition_name | PlSqlId? |
tablespace | PlSqlId? |
xmlindex_parameters_clause | XmlIndexParametersClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | RecordsPerBlockClauseValue? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | RecoveryBackupOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
blocksize | SizeClause? |
datafile_names | List<StringLiteral> |
reuse | Boolean |
size | SizeClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cell_reference_options | List<CellReferenceOptions> |
model_column_clauses | ModelColumnClauses |
reference_model_name | ElementName |
subquery | Subquery |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partition_name | PlSqlId? |
table_partition_description | TablePartitionDescription |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
reference_partition_desc | List<ReferencePartitionDesc> |
regular_id | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
on_delete | OnDelete? |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_alias | Expression |
target | ReferencingTarget |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | CreateMvRefreshValue |
date | Expression? |
rb_segment | String? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
can_replace | Boolean |
file_specifications | List<FileSpecification> |
logical_or_physical | Replication |
logminer_session_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
left | Expression |
operator | RelationalOperatorType |
right | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
new_column_name | ElementName |
old_column_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
new_name | ElementName |
old_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
to_filename | StringLiteral |
what_filename | List<StringLiteral> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filename | List<StringLiteral> |
to_filename | StringLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
from_object_name | ElementName |
to_object_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
invoker_rights_clause | InvokerRightsClause? |
object_member_specs | List<ObjectMemberSpec> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | RefreshOptions |
rollback_segment | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
force | StringLiteral? |
savepoint | Boolean |
savepoint_name | ElementName? |
work | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cube_or_rollup | CubeOrRollup |
grouping_sets_elements | List<GroupingSetsElements> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
calls | List<IndividualCall> |
keep_clause | KeepClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | RowMovementClauseValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
block | Boolean |
expressions | List<Expression> |
seed | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
ref_col_or_attr | PlSqlId |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
depth_or_breadth | DepthOrBreadth |
elements | List<SearchClauseElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
asc_or_desc | AscOrDesc? |
column_name | ElementName |
nulls | PositionTarget? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
case_else_part | CaseElsePart? |
case_when_part | List<CaseWhenPart> |
label_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
value | SecurityClauseValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
logging_clause | List<LoggingClauseValue> |
physical_attributes_clause | List<PhysicalAttributesClause> |
tablespace_name | List<PlSqlId> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
fetch_clause | FetchClause? |
for_update_clause | ForUpdateClause? |
offset_clause | OffsetClause? |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
query | Query? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
select_statement | SelectStatement? |
table_alias | Expression? |
tableview_name | TableviewName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
condition | Expression? |
selection_directive_else_part | SelectionDirectiveElsePart? |
selection_directive_elseif_part | List<SelectionDirectiveElseifPart> |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement>? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
seq_of_statements | List<ExecutableElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parameter_name | ElementName |
parameter_value | Expression |
value | AlterSessionValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
all | Boolean |
constraint_names | List<ElementName> |
target | SetTarget |
timing | TimingCreation |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
timezone | StringLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
isolation_level | IsolationLevel? |
name | StringLiteral? |
read | OpenStatus? |
rollback_segment | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | AlterViewOptions |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
case_else_part | CaseElsePart? |
case_when_part | List<CaseWhenPart> |
expression | Expression |
label_name | PlSqlId? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
activation | Activation |
dml_event_clause | DmlEventClause |
for_each_row | ForEachRow? |
referencing_clause | ReferencingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
action_expr | Expression? |
action_type | SingleColumnForLoopAction? |
column_name | ElementName? |
expressions | List<Expression> |
from_expr | Expression? |
to_expr | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
error_logging_clause | ErrorLoggingClause? |
insert_into_clause | InsertIntoClause? |
select_statement | SelectStatement? |
static_returning_clause | StaticReturningClause? |
values_clause | ValuesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
id | StringLiteral? |
size | IntLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | StorageOptions |
size_clause | SizeClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
index_partition_description | List<IndexPartitionDescription> |
literal | List<Expression> |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
partition_name | PlSqlId |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
activate_standby_db_clause | ActivateStandbyDbClause? |
commit_switchover_clause | CommitSwitchoverClause? |
convert_database_clause | ConvertDatabaseClause? |
maximize_standby_db_clause | MaximizeStandbyDbClause? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
register_logfile_clause | RegisterLogfileClause? |
start_standby_clause | StartStandbyClause? |
stop_standby_clause | StopStandbyClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
immediate | Boolean |
new_primary_id | PlSqlId? |
no_delay | Boolean |
option | StartStandbyClauseOption? |
scn_value | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | MountOption? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
resetlogs_or_noresetlogs | ResetLogsOrNoResetLogs? |
status | OpenStatus? |
upgrade_or_downgrade | UpgradeOrDowngrade? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
into_clause | IntoClause |
return_or_returning | ReturnOrReturning |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
paren_column_list | List<ElementName> |
setting | StreamingSetting |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
format | StringFormat |
value | String |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | List<ElementName> |
store_in | List<PlSqlId> |
subpartition_template | SubpartitionTemplate? |
value | IntLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
subpartition_template | SubpartitionTemplate? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | List<ElementName> |
subpartition_template | SubpartitionTemplate? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
hash_subpartition_quantity | IntLiteral? |
individual_hash_subparts | List<IndividualHashSubparts> |
list_subpartition_desc | List<ListSubpartitionDesc> |
range_subpartition_desc | List<RangeSubpartitionDesc> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constructor_declaration | ConstructorDeclaration? |
func_decl_in_type | FuncDeclInType? |
member_or_static | MemberOrStatic |
proc_decl_in_type | ProcDeclInType? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
member_or_static | MemberOrStatic |
type_function_spec | TypeFunctionSpec? |
type_procedure_spec | TypeProcedureSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
behavior | SubqueryBehavior |
block | QueryBlock? |
subquery | Subquery? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
readonly_or_checkoption | ReadOnlyOrCheckOption |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
substitutable | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | Boolean |
is_type | Boolean |
type_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName |
not_null | Boolean |
range_end | Expression? |
range_start | Expression? |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
action | Actions |
target | SupplementalDbLoggingTarget |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
options | List<SupplementalIdKeyClauseOption> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
always | Boolean |
elements | List<SupplementalLogGrpClauseElement> |
log_grp | IntLiteral |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
supplemental_id_key_clause | SupplementalIdKeyClause? |
supplemental_log_grp_clause | SupplementalLogGrpClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<SupplementalTableLoggingAddElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
supplemental_id_key_clause | SupplementalIdKeyClause? |
supplemental_log_grp_clause | SupplementalLogGrpClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<SupplementalTableLoggingDropElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
log_grp | IntLiteral? |
supplemental_id_key_clause | SupplementalIdKeyClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
partitions_value | IntLiteral? |
reference_partition_desc | List<ReferencePartitionDesc> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
outer_join_sign | Boolean |
subquery | Subquery? |
table | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
option | TableCompression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
alias | Expression? |
container | TableviewName? |
name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<TableIndexClauseElement> |
index_properties | IndexProperties? |
table_alias | Expression? |
tableview_name | TableviewName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
asc_or_desc | AscOrDesc? |
index_expr | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
deferred_segment_creation | TimingCreation? |
key_compression | KeyCompression? |
lob_storage_clause | LobStorageClause? |
nested_table_col_properties | NestedTableColProperties? |
overflow | Boolean |
overflow_segment_attributes | List<SegmentAttributesClause> |
table_compression | TableCompression? |
varray_col_properties | VarrayColProperties? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
join_clause | List<JoinClause> |
pivot_or_unpivot_clause | PivotOrUnpivotClause? |
table_ref_aux | TableRefAux |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
flashback_query_clause | List<FlashbackQueryClause> |
table_alias | Expression? |
table_ref_aux_internal | TableRefAuxInternal? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
dml_table_expression_clause | DmlTableExpressionClause? |
only | Boolean |
pivot_or_unpivot_clause | PivotOrUnpivotClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
pivot_or_unpivot_clause | PivotOrUnpivotClause? |
subquery_elements | List<SubqueryElements> |
table_ref | TableRef? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
tablespace_group_name | PlSqlId? |
tablespace_group_string | StringLiteral? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
logging_clause | LoggingClauseValue? |
value | TablespaceLoggingClausesValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
id_expression | PlSqlId? |
link_name | ElementName? |
name | ElementName |
partition_extension_clause | PartitionExtensionClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
outer_join_sign | Boolean |
xmltable | XmlTableFunction |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constraint_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile_tempfile_spec | DatafileTempfileSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
extent_management_clause | ExtentManagementClause? |
tablespace_group_clause | TablespaceGroupClause? |
tablespace_name | PlSqlId |
tempfile_specification | TempfileSpecification? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
at_time_zone | Expression? |
time | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
filename | StringLiteral? |
resetlogs_or_noresetlogs | ResetLogsOrNoResetLogs? |
reuse | Boolean? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
ref | Boolean |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
body | Body |
declare | Boolean |
declare_spec | List<DeclareSpec> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName? |
option | TriggerBodyOption |
trigger_block | TriggerBlock? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<Expression> |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
from | Expression |
modifier | TrimModifier? |
name | Expression |
what | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
is_or_as | IsOrAs |
type_body_elements | List<TypeBodyElements> |
type_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName? |
record_fields | List<FieldSpec> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
identifier | ElementName? |
return_type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
by | TypeSpec? |
identifier | ElementName? |
indexed_or_index | IndexedOrIndex? |
not_null | Boolean |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
identifier | ElementName? |
not_null | Boolean |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
vararray_or_varying | VararrayOrVarying |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
object_type_def | ObjectTypeDef? |
oid | StringLiteral? |
type_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
parameter_name | ElementName |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
external_name | Expression? |
external_variable | Boolean? |
function_name | ElementName |
is_or_as | IsOrAs? |
return_result | ReturnResult |
return_type | TypeSpec? |
type_elements_parameters | List<TypeElementsParameter> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
call_spec | CallSpec? |
is_or_as | IsOrAs? |
procedure_name | ElementName |
type_elements_parameter | List<TypeElementsParameter> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
operator | UnaryOperatorType |
value | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
negated | Boolean |
operations | List<LogicalOperation> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
datafile_specification | DatafileSpecification? |
extent_management_clause | ExtentManagementClause? |
tablespace_name | PlSqlId |
tablespace_retention_clause | TablespaceRetentionClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
attribute_names | List<ElementName> |
audit_users | List<AuditUser> |
by_or_except | ByOrExcept? |
context_namespace | PlSqlId? |
policy_name | ElementName? |
whenever | Whenever? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
constraint_name | ElementName? |
constraint_state | ConstraintState? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
nulls | IncludingOrExcluding? |
pivot_for_clause | PivotForClause |
unpivot_in_clause | UnpivotInClause |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_names | List<ElementName> |
constants | List<Expression> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_based_update_set_clause | List<ColumnBasedUpdateSetClause> |
expression | Expression? |
identifier | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
error_logging_clause | ErrorLoggingClause? |
general_table_ref | GeneralTableRef |
static_returning_clause | StaticReturningClause? |
update_set_clause | UpdateSetClause |
where_clause | WhereClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_properties | ColumnProperties |
data_inclusion | DataInclusion |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
default_or_temporary | DefaultOrTemporary |
id_expression | PlSqlId |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | Expression |
modifier | UsingModifier? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
create_index | CreateIndex? |
index_attributes | IndexAttributes? |
index_name | ElementName? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
set_dangling_to_null | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cascade | Boolean |
fast | Boolean |
into_clause | IntoClause? |
online_or_offline | OnlineOrOffline? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
constant | Boolean |
default_value_part | DefaultValuePart? |
identifier | ElementName |
not_null | Boolean |
type_spec | TypeSpec |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
substitutable_column_clause | SubstitutableColumnClause? |
varray_item | VarrayItem |
varray_storage_clause | VarrayStorageClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
as_file | FileType? |
lob_segname | PlSqlId? |
lob_storage_parameters | LobStorageParameters? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
not_null | Boolean |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
vararray_or_varying | VararrayOrVarying |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<ViewAliasConstraintElement> |
out_of_line_constraint | OutOfLineConstraint? |
table_alias | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
inline_constraint | List<InlineConstraint> |
out_of_line_constraint | OutOfLineConstraint? |
table_alias | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column_name | ElementName |
datatype | TypeSpec? |
expression | Expression |
generated_always | Boolean |
inline_constraint | List<InlineConstraint> |
virtual | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cursor_name | Expression? |
expression | Expression? |
overlaps | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
between_from | WindowingElements? |
between_to | WindowingElements? |
windowing_elements | WindowingElements? |
windowing_type | WindowingType |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression? |
value | WindowingElementsValue |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
new_values_clause | NewValuesClause? |
regular_id | List<PlSqlId> |
with_clauses_elements | List<WithClausesElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<Expression> |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
keep_clause | KeepClause? |
name | Expression |
over_clause | OverClause? |
within_clause | WithinClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
timing | TimingCreation? |
wait_or_nowait | WaitOrNoWait? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | ElementId? |
expression | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
order_by_clause | OrderByClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
entity_escaping | EntityEscaping? |
schema_check | SchemaCheck? |
xml_multiuse_expression_elements | List<XmlMultiuseElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
arguments | List<XmlElementArgument> |
element | ElementId? |
first | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
modifiers | List<ArgumentModifiers> |
name | Expression |
xml_attributes_clause | XmlAttributesClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expression | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
xml_passing_clause | XmlPassingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
as_eval | Expression? |
as_id | PlSqlId? |
expression | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | ElementId? |
elements | List<XmlMultiuseElement> |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
default | Expression? |
xml_elements | List<XmlElementArgument> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
argument | Expression |
element | ElementId? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
modifier | ArgumentModifiers |
name | Expression |
wellformed | Boolean |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
by_value | Boolean |
elements | List<XmlElementArgument> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | ElementId? |
expression_eval_name | Expression? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
identifier_name | ElementName? |
name | Expression |
second | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | ElementId? |
expression | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
null_on_empty | Boolean |
xml_passing_clause | XmlPassingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
element | ElementId? |
expression | Expression |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
standalone | XmlRootValue? |
version | XmlRootValue? |
version_value | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
argument | Expression |
defaults | XmlSerializeValue |
element | ElementId? |
encoding | Expression? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
indent | XmlSerializeValue |
indent_size | Expression? |
modifier | ArgumentModifiers |
name | Expression |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
version | Expression? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
default | Expression? |
for_ordinality | Boolean |
name | Expression |
path | Expression? |
type_spec | TypeSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
columns | List<XmlTableColumn> |
element | ElementId? |
expression | Expression? |
following_expressions | List<Expression> |
name | Expression |
xml_namespaces_clause | XmlNamespacesClause? |
xml_passing_clause | XmlPassingClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
local_xmlindex_clause | LocalXmlindexClause? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
xdb | Boolean |
xmlindex_parameters_clause | XmlIndexParametersClause? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
any_schema | AllowOrDisallow? |
element_id | String |
non_schema | AllowOrDisallow? |
xmlschema_id | String? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
column | Boolean |
column_name | ElementName |
xmlschema_spec | XmlschemaSpec? |
xmltype_storage | XmltypeStorage? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
file_type | FileType? |
lob_parameters | LobParameters? |
lob_segname | PlSqlId? |
store_as | XmltypeStore |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
cache_or_no_cache | CacheOption? |
column_properties | ColumnProperties? |
enable_disable_clauses | List<EnableDisableClause> |
flashback_archive_clause | FlashbackArchiveClause? |
object_properties | ObjectProperties? |
oid_clause | OidClause? |
oid_index_clause | OidIndexClause? |
on_commit | OnCommit? |
parallel_clause | ParallelClause? |
physical_properties | PhysicalProperties? |
result_cache | CacheOption? |
row_dependencies | RowDependencies? |
row_movement_clause | RowMovementClauseValue? |
table_partitioning_clauses | TablePartitioningClauses? |
xmlschema_spec | XmlschemaSpec? |
xmltype_storage | XmltypeStorage? |
xmltype_virtual_columns | XmltypeVirtualColumns? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
expressions | List<Expression> |
with_object_target | WithObject? |
with_object_value | SettingTarget? |
xmlschema_spec | XmlschemaSpec? |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
elements | List<XmltypeVirtualColumnsElement> |
position | Position? |
Name | Type |
as_expression | Expression |
column_name | ElementName |
position | Position? |